Card transaction statuses and tracking

The Card Transactions tab in pemo is essential for administrators to track transactions and understand their statuses. It allows you to monitor all the card transactions made by users in real time. In the following, we explain the different statuses of card transactions and their significance.

Authorized Status

The Authorized status is given to a transaction that has been approved by the card issuer, but the funds have not been transferred from the user's account to the merchant's account. This status is temporary and only lasts for a short period (1-4 days) until the transaction is settled.

Settled Status

The Settled status means that the transaction has been approved, and the funds have been transferred from the user's account to the merchant's account. This status signifies that the transaction has been completed and the payment has been received by the merchant.

Failed Status

The Failed status indicates that the transaction has not been successful and the funds have not been transferred from the user's account to the merchant's account.

On Pemo, there are several reasons why a transaction may fail; the following table has the most common reasons:

Refunded Status

The Refunded status is given to a transaction when a refund has been initiated by the merchant. In this case, the funds will be transferred back to the user's account.

Card Checked Status

The Card Checked status means that the card details have been verified by the payment gateway, but no payment has been processed yet. This status is usually given for card verification purposes, and the transaction will only be processed once the user confirms their payment details.

In conclusion, by monitoring the different statuses of card transactions, you can ensure that payments are processed efficiently and effectively. Understanding the significance of each status will help you identify and resolve any issues that may arise during the payment process.

Last updated