Track Expenses as a Team member

As a team member in Pemo, you can track and manage your expenses in several ways. Here are some recommended methods to help you stay on top of your spending:

Pemo Dashboard

The dashboard provides a quick overview of your spending over a certain period and any trends in your spending. You can also see any pending actions you need to take, such as expenses missing receipts or awaiting approval. Additionally, you can see how many cards are assigned to you.

Expenses Tab

The expenses tab allows you to dig deeper into your expenses and find specific expense lines. You can use various filters to search for specific expenses, such as filtering by expense type, date, or tag. You can also add notes and comments to individual expense lines.

Mobile App

The Pemo mobile app allows you to track your expenses as well on the go. Also, you can easily add expenses and receipts from your phone, making tracking your expenses convenient.

By using these features, you can track your expenses more effectively and ensure that you stay within your budget.

Last updated