Requesting a Pemo card as a team member

As a team member or accountant, you can request a Pemo Virtual Card from your team lead or admin to make business-related purchases. This streamlines the expense and purchase processes to increase efficiency.

Virtual Cards vs Single-use Virtual Cards (SUVC)

Virtual cards can be used for online payments and can be added to your mobile wallet (Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc...).

A single-use virtual card is used similarly to virtual cards except that it can be used only once and it will expire automatically. SUVC is a great option for making a specific purchase or purchase order and streamlining the purchasing process; also it provides greater control and enhanced security.

How to request a virtual card

You can request a virtual card or a SUVC from the Pemo mobile app.

  1. Open your Pemo mobile application and go to the Cards tab

  2. Click "New Card"

  3. Select the card type that you need

  4. Enter the name (nickname) of the card and a note on why you need it

  5. Enter the limits that you need; if you didn't enter limits, the default limits would be applied, which are 100k for the monthly limit and 50k for the transaction limit. More info about the limits can be found here.

  6. Submit your request

All admins and team leads with card permission in your organization will be notified about the new request; any one of them can approve it. Once approved, you will be notified.

How to approve the card requests as an admin

Requests can be approved by any user with Admin or team lead with card permissions roles.

To approve a request:

  1. Open your Pemo mobile application

  2. Go to the requests tab

  3. Find the card request that you want to approve and click "Approve".

The card will be created immediately, and the cardholder will be notified.

Last updated