Complete User Verification

We are required to verify every user added to a Pemo account before they can be allowed to have Pemo cards issued under their name (i.e., assigned to them as cardholders) including the admins and the user who created the company account. However, this process is much easier and faster than company verification and can be finished in a few minutes.

User verification is not needed for users that will not be cardholders

Do the following steps to finish the verification:

Download the mobile app

Download our Pemo app on your mobile ( App Store , Google Play )

Log in to your account

Log in to your account from the app; once you are logged in you will get a prompt to start the verification.

Submit the required information

You will be asked to do the following:

  • Enter your name, phone number, and birth date

  • Take a photo of your Emirati ID (front and back)

  • Take a selfie

Make sure of the following: πŸ‘‰ Make sure to enter the name as it's in your EID πŸ‘‰ Photos of EID need to be taken live from a physical document, not uploaded

Within 24 hrs, you will have your user profile verified, and you can issue cards after that.

This 2 min video will show you a live example of how to complete this verification on the mobile app.

Last updated