πŸ‘―Organize Pemo Users by Teams

Easily group users into teams and assign a lead for each one. This structure simplifies spending management and allows you to set team-specific approval policies, ensuring a smooth and controlled work

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Team in Pemo

  1. Navigate to 'Members & Teams'

  • Log into your Pemo account.

  • On the dashboard, click on the 'Members & Teams' section.

  1. Access the 'Teams' Tab

  • Once in the 'Members & Teams' section, click on the 'Teams' tab.

  1. Create a New Team

  • Click the 'Create Team' button.

  1. Name Your Team

  • Enter a name for your team in the provided field.

  1. Assign a Team Lead

  • Select a team lead from your existing members.

  • The Team Lead will be responsible for uploading and reviewing invoices, as well as approving or rejecting expenses for their assigned team.

  1. Add Team Members

  • Choose the members you want to include in this team from your list of users.

Pemo Power Tip: The same user can be added to one team only

The team lead cannot have an admin role at the same time since the admin has permissions higher than the team lead.

  1. Finalize the Team

  • After assigning members, click 'Create Team' to save and set up the team.

Team Lead Role

Once you’ve set up teams in Pemo, you can elevate a team member to the role of Team Lead. This role is all about giving your leaders the tools they need to manage their team’s expenses effectively.

Team Lead Perks

  • Expense Management: Team Leads can create, edit, and view their own expenses with ease.

  • Cardholder Status: They can hold and manage their own Pemo card.

  • Full Team Visibility: They get full visibility over all expenses and invoices within their team.

  • Approval Authority: Team Leads can approve, reject, and edit any expenses or invoices submitted by their team members.

Pemo Power Tip: Want to give your Team Lead the ability to issue cards for the team? This permission is turned off by default, but you can easily enable it. Just toggle the card permission next to their name, and they’re good to go!

Give your team leaders the power to keep everything running smoothly.

Last updated