Invite an external accountant

If your organization works with an external accountant to manage its finances, you can easily invite them to the Pemo platform to provide them with access to the organization's expenses and invoices. This can help streamline your accounting processes and improve communication with your external accountant.

With Pemo, you can provide your external accountant with access to the data they need to manage your organization's finances without having to provide them with full access as internal accountants.

To invite an external accountant to the Pemo platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Pemo account and navigate to the "Teams & members" tab.

  2. Click on the "Invite User" button.

  3. Enter the email address of your external accountant in the "Email Address" field.

  4. Select "External Accountant" as the user access role.

  5. Click "Send Invitation."

Once you've invited your external accountant, they will receive an email with instructions on creating their Pemo account. They will have full visibility over the organization’s expenses and invoices and can export them, but cannot manage user access and permissions, invite new users, create expenses, issue cards or hold their own cards.

To understand their access level in comparison to the other roles, check this page:

Manage User Roles

Last updated