Create teams

The teams feature in Pemo allows admins to create teams and organize users within their organization to help facilitate the management and organization of expenses.

With teams in place, managers and financial controllers can have improved visibility, where they can quickly see which team is spending what amount, which can help identify areas where expenses can be optimized.

How to create a team

To create a team in Pemo:

  1. Log in to your Pemo account and navigate to the "Teams & members" tab.

  2. Switch to the "Teams" tab

  1. Click "Create a Team" and enter the name of the team and its description if needed.

  2. Start to add users to the team you are creating

The same user can be added to one team only

  1. Promote one of the team members to a team lead role (optional)

  1. If needed, toggle on the permission of the card for the team lead, which allows them to issue cards for their team (optional)

The team lead cannot have an admin role at the same time since the admin has permissions higher than the team lead.

Team Lead Role

The team lead role is a role that's only available after you create teams. For each team, you can promote one of the team members added to the team lead role, who will be responsible for managing the team's expenses and can also issue cards for the team if the option is turned on to them.

Team Lead Permissions

  • Create, edit, and view their own expenses

  • Can hold their own card

  • Full visibility over all expenses and invoices from their team

  • Approve, reject, and edit expenses and invoices coming from their team

  • Additionally, team leads can also have permission to issue cards for their team. However, this permission is turned off by default. To enable this permission for a team lead, toggle the card permission in front of their name, as shown above.

Last updated