Understanding Expense Approval

The expense approval policies on Pemo govern the steps required to:

  • Review card transactions completed through Pemo cards. This review or "approval" process is aimed at identifying expenses made out of company policy. When an expense gets identified as "out-of-policy", it can be subject to investigation, in which case additional information is required from the Pemo card holder. Such expenses can also be rejected, in which case the amount spent might be deducted from the cardholder payslip, in whole or in part (Based on your organization's internal policy) Note: Since transactions happen in real time, there is no way to provide live approval for a transaction. The best way to control your employees' spending on their cards is to utilize merchant restrictions and single transaction limits.

  • Approve out-of-pocket expenses for reimbursement.

    Through the expense approval policies, you can define who needs to approve what and when, as well as keep certain people informed via notifications. Pemo makes it easy to customize approval workflows so admins can define the right set of people to approve expenses based on the amount. On the expenses tab on Pemo, you can see all your expenses and their respective approval status. Below, we discuss what these statuses mean and how to use them.

Expense approval statuses

On Pemo, we have 3 approval statuses: Approved, Pending, and Rejected

Approval StatusDescription


The expense has completed the required approval steps based on the approval flows designed for your company. This includes both "Auto-approve" expenses and expenses manually approved by the "designated approvers"


The expense has not yet completed the required approval steps based on the approval flows designed for your company


One of the designated approvers has rejected the expense

Expense approval policies

Pemo, Approval Policies govern the process of reviewing and approving expenses for your company through customizable rules and spending levels. Approval policies ensure that all expenses undergo the required approval steps, maintaining financial control and governance.

The workflow of an approval policy can consist of single or multiple approval layers arranged in sequential steps, ensuring a structured and systematic approach.

Pemo approval policies cover the following:

  • Card expenses review

  • Out-of-pocket expenses reimbursement

  • New card requests (coming soon)

  • Card limit edits (coming soon)

  • Invoice payments (coming soon)

How to check the approval policy of an expense

  • Go to the expenses tab and find the expense that you want to review.

  • Scroll down in the details section, and you will find the Approval Policy section

  • Here you can see who the approvers are for this specific expense, as well as the progress of the approval flow.

How to approve an expense

If you are selected as an "approver" inside an approval policy rule - based on either your individual profile or your role, you will receive a notification whenever you need to approve a "Pending" expense.

Your approval requests will appear in the Requests tab. Here, you can review, approve or reject the expenses.

If you are rejecting an expense, you can also add notes to clarify the rejection reason.

Last updated